Sunday, January 19, 2014

Minnan House Restaurant/閩南住宅からできたレストラン/閩南房子的飯館

Tainan has a lot of old houses that have been converted in recent years into cafes, restaurants and bars.  I went to a restaurant a little while back that appears to have originally been a large Minnan-style house.  Most of the ancestors of the Han people in Taiwan came from Minnan, so there are lots of houses in that style still left in Taiwan, though more so in the country-side than in the city.  I don't have much to say about this restaurant (the food was good, but the atmosphere is the real selling point) so I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.  The restaurant is just south of Fuqian Road, near Wanchang Road.



1 comment:

  1. 面白い写真、ありがとう。ーて
